carving out a home office

A home office or desk area is a must these days. If you think you don't have room for a personal space of your own, maybe these creative ideas can help. I love how this desk sits under the counter to be rolled in and out as needed.

under the stairs desk - 09
desk under counter - Zj5uXwSBt7hMeMHJf0b-nzl72eJkfbmt4t8yenImKBVaiQDB_Rd1H6kmuBWtceBJ
rustic desk - pallet farm table desk funky junk
desk in closet - closet-2-0310-xl

This is a clever way to hide your desk when not in use - especially good for those that like to keep a messy desk.

masculine home office - 1116549_brown-room_xl
desk behind sofa - 102908desk-01

A slightly wider than standard sofa table behind a sofa is a perfect spot to do your computer work.