making the most of what you already have

Sometimes it doesn’t take much to make your space feel better. A small tweak of the position of an occoasional chair or a refresh on the open shelves might be all that is needed to make a difference. If your space is feeling tired, try making a few changes that won’t cost much, if anything. Here are a few ideas.

  1. Take everything down from your bookshelves, purge what you don’t need or love, and re-arrange for a more open look. Search bookshelf styling for ideas.

  2. Change the position of your rug. If you have a hand-knotted rug, there is always a dark side and a light side. Flip it so you see the other side from a different angle.

  3. Add some greenery. It can be as simple as picking some branches from your own tree to put into a vase of water, or getting a new plant for a corner that always seemed like it was missing something.

  4. Buy a couple of fresh new tea towels and hand towels. Your bathroom and kitchen will feel more alive with something trendy.

  5. Find things in your kitchen that you can use for corralling items. A seldom used tray, bowl or dish can be used at the entry, on a coffee table or on your bedside table.

  6. Add candles and light them. Often we have candles but we forget to use them. I say, use them.

  7. A big one is to re-arrange your furniture. This is not always possible, but if you can switch the sofa with two chairs, or if you have two mis-matched side tables, switch them up. Smaller changes make a big difference too when it comes to furniture changes.

Here is some inspiration to scroll through. Have fun!