adding scent to your home

“Scent and memory - Smells can evoke emotions, influence moods, and have you reliving entire memories with just a whiff. ... So, when you first smell something, your brain immediately links its scent to a moment, event or person.”

Scent can be the most intimate and personal element of a home. I highly encourage you to immerse yours with your favourite this winter. We can’t see this element, so why not truly make it yours, especially if you live alone. If you don’t share scent compatibility with those you do live with, hopefully you can find a corner or room that you can make your own, if even just during bath time.

Some easy, environmentally safe, and friendly ways to add scent to your home or special corner can be: soy candles; reed or water diffusers with your much-loved essential oils; fresh flowers; natural room sprays; or even just a simple simmer pot with your favourite ingredients on the kitchen stove.

I hope these images will invoke a memory of something beautiful and help you find your own perfect scent.